I’m Moving to Nova Scotia!

In a shocking turn of events, I’m pleased to announce that I’ll be moving to Nova Scotia at the end of the month! Prior to that, I’m a bridesmaid at my best friend’s wedding, so I’ve got a busy next few weeks incoming. Apologies in advance for the lack of posts. (Not that they’re exactly overflowing at the moment, lol.)

During my mini vacation I will be editing Chasing Nonconformity — hopefully to finally get the next draft finished and ready for some beta reading. No promises, though. Still, that’s the plan.

So I wish everyone a happy end of August, and I’ll check back in once I’m safely on the East Coast!


Unrelated media of the day:

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28 thoughts on “I’m Moving to Nova Scotia!

  1. OH Lovely place, Nova Scotia. I Love the Waterfront area and the huge open market they have there 😉 Best of wishes and safety in moving 🙂

    • Thanks 🙂 I went there when I was 12, and I remember it being absolutely gorgeous. I think when I went there was a busker festival going on, so hopefully that will happen soon!

  2. Wow! How exciting! Best of luck with the move!

    • Thanks 😀 It’ll definitely be an interesting trip — we’re not only transporting ourselves (and by “we” I mean myself and 3 friends) but also a dog and three cats. Should be … fun, lol.

  3. Nova Scotia? More like Supernova Scotia!

    I have no flipping idea what that means, but I don’t argue with my typing fingers. I might need them to pick my nose later.

  4. I have lived in Nova Scotia for 20 years – beautiful spot! Welcome to our little slice of heaven.

    • Thanks! I don’t know how long I’ll be staying, but if what I’ve heard is true, I have a feeling that once I get there, I’ll never want to leave 🙂

  5. Sounds like a fun adventure. Good luck and hope the move goes smoothly. 🙂

  6. Wow. That’s Latin for “New Ireland” isn’t it?

  7. I’ve never been to Nova Scotia, but intend to get out there someday. Good luck with the move and I hope the editing goes well too. And at least you don’t need to pack up your blog.

    • Thanks 🙂 And excellent point! Perhaps I should convert all my possessions into digital copies so I can just grab a suitcase and depart. That being said, a digital bed wouldn’t be very comfortable, no matter how many digital sheep came with it …

  8. I’ve never been (only to Ontario thrice and briefly to Quebec due to transit), but I heard that the Cabot Trail is beautiful. Are you moving to Halifax or somewhere more rural?

    • Halifax itself — I want to be close to the city so I can go downtown, hang out by the harbor, etc. etc. I’ll definitely check out the Cabot trail! Might have to Google it to figure out where it is though lol.

  9. Good luck.

  10. inkspeare

    Best wishes! Awesome 🙂

  11. We went to Hawaii for our honeymoon. Geographically the closest I’ve ever been to Nova Scotia. No wait! Denmark might be closer. I was there in ’07. Climate is probably more similar than Hawaii.
    Good luck and everything with the relocation!

    • I’m going to give this one to Denmark, as it’s a bit further north and slightly more similar in climate, due to the whole it not being a tropical island thing 🙂 Thanks for the luck!

  12. Michelle moving to Nova Scotia with three friends, a dog and three cats. This is a book just waiting to be written. Please keep notes! 🙂

    BTW, upon our return from holidays, we found your lovely bookmarks waiting for us! I’m posting a pic tomorrow on http://wp.me/p4h3m4-w9. Many thanks!!

  13. All the best for the move. Does sound like the beginnings of a story. Have fun!

    • Not to give too much away, but I’ve safely arrived in Halifax and unpacked the truck. Our neighborhood is GORGEOUS. Big trees, clean streets, friendly neighbors, a coffee shop on the corner … about a bazillion times superior to my old set-up 😀

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